Home of picoTK !

The small footprint C GUI kit for embedded systems The picoTK logo

picoTK News

07-Oct-2007: Corrected no longer valid link to CVS repository section.

17-Feb-2002: Added Contributions section.

03-Dec-2000: Version 0.03 of picoTK is out. Download it here. Features added since last release: You can look into the latest README and CHANGELOG releases by using the CVS web interface.

20-Nov-2000: Revised HOWTO available. Now including picoTK API documentation. Read it On-Line or download it in various formats (PDF, PS, DVI and ASCII).

18-Nov-2000: Version 0.02 of picoTK is out. This release is a major improvement over 0.01. Download it here. The following features have been added since the last release:

This shows a PicoTK demo screen snapshot, showing a Linux pinguin
        pixmap, and a picoTK terminal box on 320x300 pixels

What is picoTK ?

picoTK is a GPL licensed small footprint C GUI toolkit for embedded systems. It readily works with the RTEMS real time kernel - its minimum complexity and OS independency makes a port to any operating system easy. It is not comparable featurewise to real full blown windowing toolkits like nanoX or Qt/Embedded; but serves the needs for simple memory mapped graphic presentation. picoTK features:


Right now, it prints 'Hello, world!', but someday, it will be an air traffic control system.
-- Jeff Covey, "How to write a great freshmeat submission"
I think its quite usable now. Things which might be added in the future:

Download Source & Documentation

HOWTO: Download documentation as plain ASCII, DVI, PS, PDF or browse HOWTO online.

picotk-0.03.tgz (40 KByte): Source tarball for Linux

Download Demo Floppyimages

The following floppy images demonstrate some picoTK features. These images are, when copied to a floppy disk, readily bootable. They use LILO, RTEMS and picoTK.

picodemo1.bin (80 KByte): Demo using VGA Mode 0x11: 640x480x1bpp (b&w)

picodemo8.bin (80 KByte): Demo using VGA VESA Mode 0x101: 640x480x8bpp (256 colors)

The color demo does only run on (newer) VGA cards supporting VESA BIOS Extensions (VBE) Version 2.0 or higher. If no such card is found a message "You passed an invalid mode number" is issued.

Copy either file to a floppy using the floppy raw device, e,g.:

cp picodemo1.bin /dev/fd0.


picoDrawCircleRaw.c draws circles using integer arithmetic only. Contributed by Thomas Hegenhahn.

Sourceforge project picoTK

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$Id: index.html,v 1.21 2007/10/07 17:57:09 tgkamp Exp $
© Copyright by Thomas Gallenkamp